This year’s Annual Home Owners Association Meeting will be a hybrid meeting.
That means that you can either dial in (like last year) or attend in person (like all the years before). We are going to use ZOOM again for the virtual part. Please email the office for Zoom ID.
In order to ensure a smooth process and make this virtual meeting a success, we all have to follow a few rules:
No matter if you participate in person or if you are dialing in: be early!
– The ZOOM session will begin 30 minutes before the official start of the meeting – After you log in, you will enter a waiting room. We will check if you are an owner and in good standing and then you will be allowed to enter the actual meeting.
– Use your condo number and your real and full name when you log in, so that we recognize you (for example “Unit 147 John Smith”) – Turn and leave the camera on – Be early! After the official start, we will not check the waiting room anymore and you won’t be able to join – Everybody will be on mute during the meeting. Please ask/type your questions in the chat window that you will find at the bottom or on the right side of your screen
– Be early!
For those joining us in person
– Doors will open 30 minutes before the official start of the meeting – Refreshments will be served – During the Q & A session Please raise your hand if you have a question.
3 Edpas Road New Brunswick, NJ 0890 Main office (732) 545-3263 Security (732) 846-3409 Email: